Monday, March 5, 2012

Wrynly's favorite things

 Wrynly knows her colors! She loves to get her crayons and color in her princess/fairy book. I usually color with her and if I ask her to get me a certain color and she will find it for me! This picture is daddy coloring with her so he could see that she knows her colors.  Sometimes she still gets a little mixed up, but overall, she's a pretty smart cookie!!  We started doing this over at Grandma Susan's house when we go to visit... she learns a lot of good things over there. 

We had Grandma Susan watch Wrynly a week ago on Feb 23rd, so I could go to a last minute doctors appointment for the little one.  When we went to go pick her up after the appointment, we were just pulling into the driveway when Grandma and Wrynly came out the front door. I watched them as Wrynly went and squated at the edge of the fish pond and Grandma bent over to get a stick for her to play with.  The next thing I knew, Grandma was running for Wrynly, trying to grab her before she went in head first... but her shoe slipped in the dirt and they BOTH ended up in the fish pond! I was so shocked, I didn't know whether to laugh, whip out my camera or run to help them.  Motherly instinct kicked in and I jumped out of the car and ran to help them out (faster than I thought my pregnant butt could go!!).  Wrynly was shocked and started crying as we pulled her out, algae on her clothes and all. I had Jarom take her in the house to taker her clothes off and warm her up while I helped my mom get out of the pond.  I was really worried for her, since she just had her back surgery last month.  She insisted she was fine... but we are still waiting to see the full extent swimming in the pond had on her back.

The past few weeks Wrynly's new favorite word has been "STUCK".  She'll say "I Stuck" for almost everything, but this picture is usually why she says it... she has her feet inside the empty boxes of wipes and walks around like that. When she's done and can't get her feet out she says "I stuck" for me to help her!   

Her favorite shows on TV are The Fresh Beat Band and Peppa Pig.  She loves the Fresh Beat Band because they sing and dance and have a lot of fun. Her favorite character is KiKi, the girl all in pink. She plays the guitar and is real sweet.  When she wakes up in the morning, she grabs her two favorite blankets and says "KiKi... KiKi" and will keep saying it unless you tell her YES, we are going to watch KiKi! Then she'll sing and dance along with the songs. So far, her favorite song is Bananas and will scream "NANAS" and go crazy!! They are having a concert tour but are not coming to Utah... a total bummer because Wrynly would absolutely love to go see them.
Her other favorite show is Peppa Pig.  They have English accents and snort frequently, but she just sits there and giggles the entire time it's on.  A Youtube link to one of the episodes is : Peppa Pig: Car Wash.  It's so fun to see her reacting and laughing on her own to things that she thinks are funny.
At the end of last month, I made her a potty chart so we could start doing potty training.  Our plan was to have her trained by her 2nd birthday on March 21st, so when the baby gets here, we only have to worry about one set of diapers!  Well, as you can see by the lack of stickers on her chart that it is not going so well!!!  She absolutely refuses to sit on her potty!  She will sometimes sit on it, but with her pants on :(  Every time you ask her "Do you want to sit on your potty and get a sticker?" she'll say "Noooope!" or "NO!" or any version of that!  Sometimes she'll say "Okay" if you ask her to sit on her potty for a cookie or a million dollars, but when you get her in there, she just screams.  I guess she'll start to go when she is ready. Wish us luck to at least have it happen by May 8th!!
Jarom and I took Wrynly to the "Treehouse Museum" on Saturday.  She s a hyperactive ADHD child in there! She's always zooming from one activity to the next, whether it's the bongo drums, reading corner, blocks, etc... the only thing that held her attention the longest was the computer section that had interactive games on Mac computers.  Hmmm... does that mean she gets too much TV/game time at home? Yes, I know I need to work on having play time and imaginary time at home without the influence of TV or iPhone games, but sometimes it's so hard to entertain her the whole day when I'm not feeling well or tired from being pregnant!  Excuses... excuses... right?

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