Monday, May 28, 2012

Photos from this month

 Big sister Wrynly loves to hold Arya even when she's crying.  She'll say "baby cry... sad" and she wants to hold her hand or pick her up. It's so sweet, but Wrynly is not very gentle yet!

Papa Duane popped by for a visit while he was in the neighborhood! What a great surprise.

Arya is getting good at her tummy time and holding up her head.

Wrynly loves to be a big helper.
 Look at all that hair! It is getting lighter every day, soon we'll have another blondie running around.

Arya's room finally decorated.  The pictures on the wall were taken at the hospital (the day she was born) by Alicia Blickfeldt with Bella Baby Photography .  I'm still working on making her crib bedding and bumpers.  We have a good baby monitor and now Arya is sleeping in her own bed instead of in a bassinet in mom and dad's room!

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day and we met up with Mark and Linda to go visit Wrynly's Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Smith and Uncle Corey at the Willard Cemetery.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Wrynly is obsessed with Superman!!!  She loves watching it everyday, wearing her Superman shirt to bed, to church, etc. She will randomly tell you "Superman flies... a clouds... sky!!" and frequently too.  Jarom has created a Superman monster!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

2 weeks already!

Today is the 2 week mark since Arya was born. We had her check-up with Dr. Jana Delgado and I can't believe she's grown so much! She weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces (just shy of 1 pound gained since birth) and was 21 inches tall (one inch in growth)!!  The doctor says she is perfect and healthy. PHEW! Also, I have officially dropped all 23 baby pounds I gained during pregnancy. It feels good to see the number on the scale showing my pre-pregnancy weight... but sad to see that my body is all soft and smushy, not the toned bod it once was! I'll be hitting the workouts starting Monday to get back into shape as well as eating "clean" so that I can lose the softness.  I will definitely have to post progress pictures.

I have loved having Jarom home. He was able to take off work until the 22nd (that was almost 3 weeks!) to stay home and help me get settled with the new routine of 2 girls instead of 1.  It has been so nice to catch up on sleep and have that extra help. I really don't know what I'm going to do when he goes back to work, I feel like I've been spoiled! 

We got our new double jogging stroller and have been taking walks around the neighborhood. Wrynly loves it and Arya sleeps the whole time.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Arya Hazel is here!!

Some of those tricks I tried must have worked because Arya Hazel was born on May 3, 2012 at 12:18 pm weighing 7 lbs 14 oz and 20 inches long!! It's already been a week since she was born and it's gone by so fast. She has been so sweet and good. Big sister Wrynly loves her and is such a proud big sister. She loves giving her kisses and rubbing her head.

We got to the hospital around 9 pm Wednesday night because my waters started leaking.  Arya took her sweet time getting here, because she wasn't born until Thursday at 12:18 in the afternoon! This picture is of me when I was still happy and pain free in labor!  Plus, Jarom was so great at keeping the mood light and happy and funny, as you can tell by the Expectations he wrote on the board the minute we were in the room!

 sad faces!
First time big sister got to hold Arya. At this point, she still didn't have a name yet!

 Dad doing skin-to-skin with Arya. Bonding!

Me doing skin-to-skin with Arya, trying to absorb all the billirubin I could. She had to be under the lights for almost 24 hours straight. You can see the light pad on her back helping her break down the chemical so she could pee it out.

Under the lights.
 Passing her hearing test.

Getting her first bath. Not fun!

Aunt Mauri and Grandma Sue Sue with Arya

 Wrynly loves kissing Arya!!
 First smiles

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

6 days left!

So, I have 6 days left till baby's due date!  This week we've been trying to get labor going naturally... here's a list of things we've done since Monday (and it's only Wednesday!) that HAVEN'T worked!

1. Walked 4.5 miles with Jarom and Wrynly
2. Membranes stripped by Dr.
3. Mowed the front and back yards without the help of the automatic driver on the lawn mower.
4. Walked 3 miles with my mom and Wrynly
5. Curb walked
6. Made and ate Eggplant Parmesan 3 days in a row - called them "little pizzas" and Wrynly ate them too! They were delicious!
7. Made and ate Labor Cake 2 days in a row... mmmmm mmm YUMMY! I will make this other times too!
8. Bounced on the Trampoline
9. Cleaned and vacuumed my car
10. Vacuumed out Wrynly's car seat, installed it in the seat behind the driver side, adjusted the baby's car seat to the smallest setting and installed it in the middle of the back seat.
11. Gave Milo a bath in the tub
12. Cleaned the tub

I'm thinking I need to clean my house now! So, I'm off to clean clean clean!!